Sexy Petite Sweet


Do you have reviews?

I have over 150 reviews, and would be pleased to share them with you upon request. However, I prefer not to have any new reviews posted these days since all the law changes in the past year. If you must post a review, please ask me first, and I will advise you as to which review sites I am willing to participate in. I also ask that you keep any reviews tasteful.

How long will it take you to respond to my inquiry regarding an appointment?
If I'm "off" please allow up to 48 hours. If I'm currently visiting the city you are requesting a appointment for you will hear back as soon as I'm able to respond. If you are inquiring about a upcoming city please allow up to 24 hours.
What is your personality type?

Friendly, warm, welcoming, very sweet, nurturing. I'm naturally one of the nicest people you will ever meet:)

When can we meet?
I need time to conduct screening and check references. Sometimes this can be accomplished quickly, but I prefer a little advance notice. Ideally 24 hours. If I am not able to check references, I am not able to see you.
How far in advance would you like for me to schedule a visit?

Sometimes I can accomodate last minute requests sometimes I can't. The more notice the better.

Are the photos of you authentic?
Absolutely! I do not believe in false promotion. They are recent to show you what I look like now, not yesterday or what I hope to attain.
Do you travel?

Yes!!  In fact im strictly a traveling provider

What is the best way to contact you? May I call you?

The best way to reach me is always via e-mail.

Can we meet briefly for coffee or cocktails, so that I can see if we get along?

I'm sorry but I don't do meet and greets.

Are your pictures really you?

Yes, they are. 

Why didn't you respond to my emails?
If your email is inappropriate in any way, it is discarded. Due to travel and screening, please allow adequate timefor me to respond.