Do you have reviews?
I have over 225 past reviews, and would be pleased to share them with you upon request. However I do now have a no review policy as I have way too many past ones out there and prefer to be more discreet these days.
I have over 225 past reviews, and would be pleased to share them with you upon request. However I do now have a no review policy as I have way too many past ones out there and prefer to be more discreet these days.
Friendly, warm, welcoming, very sweet, nurturing. I'm naturally one of the nicest people you will ever meet:)
Sometimes I can accomodate last minute requests sometimes I can't. The more notice the better.
Yes!! In fact im strictly a traveling provider
The best way to reach me is always via e-mail.
I'm sorry but I don't do meet and greets.
Yes, they are.
If your email is inappropriate in any way, it is discarded. Due to travel and screening, please allow adequate time for me to respond.